Advanced Options for Layover
Capture emails, enforce business emails, etc.
Capture Emails with Layover
Layover allows you to prompt users to enter their email address when they join your server. This is useful if you want users to enter the email they use with your business.
Email field is only shown when invites are not sent via HubSpot
When you send invites via HubSpot (through a marketing email, using the Conncord Invite link, for example), users don't need to enter their email address. This is because Conncord automatically knows who that user is in HubSpot and matches them to their existing Contact in HubSpot.
Enforce Business Emails (Coming soon!)
You can also enforce that users enter a business email address when they join your server. This forbids users from entering generic free email addresses like "" or "".
Custom messages on the Layover page (Coming soon!)
You will soon be able to customize the text that appears on the Layover page to further enhance your branding.